MXP Modules


Manage recruitment, human resources and crew payroll all in one module.

MXP HR Payroll

The MXP Payroll module calculates and records the wages for employees. Onboard ships contracts are in most cases as per assignment (seasonal), small percentage do have 12 month contracts. Contract templates are setup in Position maintenance, where a position can have multiple contracts. Wage components are the individual pay elements with GL accounting setup.

The payroll is being automatically calculated based on the assigned contract, using the wage type, UOM, payment frequency, amounts setup.

While certain wage components are based on the contract like basic wage, vacation pay, guaranteed overtime, etc. and will be automatically calculated, other wage components are being updated throughout the month like cash advances, travel expenses, bonuses, gratuities, overtime, wire transfers, etc.

Top Features

Your Benefits

  • Gain efficiency through centralized data access and input

  • Ensure tax compliance and automated tax withholding calculation

  • Reduction of errors and key in mistakes

  • Automated payroll calculation, eliminates most user errors

  • Eliminate manual processes

  • Ability to run payroll for the remote installations in the Office

  • When payroll is run on remote installations, Office users have full overview at all times in Office db

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